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What is bottom fishing?

Published by: Mark Mayo

Bottom fishing is a technique used in both freshwater and saltwater fishing that involves fishing on or near the bottom of a body of water. It is a popular technique that can be used to catch a wide variety of different species of fish, including bottom-dwelling species such as catfish, perch, and bass, as well as species that may be found in deeper water, such as snapper and grouper.

To bottom fish, anglers typically use a heavy weight to anchor their bait or lure on the bottom and wait for a bite. The weight may be attached to the line directly, or it may be attached to a sinker or other type of weight-bearing device. The bait or lure is then lowered to the bottom and allowed to sit there, with the angler keeping a close eye on the line for any movement or tension that indicates a bite.

Bottom fishing can be done from a variety of different platforms, including boats, kayaks, and the shoreline, and can be a productive technique in a variety of different water conditions. It is a good technique to use when targeting bottom-dwelling species or when fishing in deeper water, and can be a productive way to catch a variety of different fish.

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