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What is offshore fishing at Wrightsville Beach NC?

Published by: Mark Mayo

Offshore fishing at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina refers to fishing in the deeper, open waters of the ocean, generally beyond a few miles from the shoreline. Offshore fishing typically involves traveling to areas where the water is deeper and the bottom is more rugged, and often involves fishing in the open ocean.

Offshore fishing at Wrightsville Beach can be a challenging and rewarding activity, as the area is home to a wide variety of different species of fish. Some common species that can be caught offshore at Wrightsville Beach include tuna, marlin, dolphin, and wahoo.

Offshore fishing at Wrightsville Beach typically involves using a variety of different techniques, such as trolling, live baiting, and jigging, and is typically done from a boat. Live bait, such as ballyhoo, goggle-eye, and cigar minnows, is often the most effective for catching offshore fish, but artificial lures, such as jigs and plugs, can also be effective.

Overall, offshore fishing at Wrightsville Beach can be a thrilling and rewarding activity for experienced anglers. It requires a high level of skill and knowledge, as well as specialized equipment and techniques, and is generally best suited for experienced and dedicated anglers.

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